Technology companies increasingly lobby the Canadian federal government. The Tech Lobby Project regularly submits Access to Information (ATI) requests for records relating to lobbying communications between Canadian federal government departments and companies such as Amazon, Facebook, Google, IBM, Microsoft, Netflix, Twitter, Sidewalk Labs and Uber. Read more about our ATI requests here. Below you can find a list of the documents we’ve received recently in response to our ATI requests.
You can subscribe to receive a list of descriptions of recent ATI responses we have received by monthly email by signing up to our monthly email listserv here. For more information, or to access the documents themselves, please email Sara Bannerman at banners@mcmaster.ca
Tech Lobby News
[LOBBYING] 2023 Tech Lobby Annual Report (The Tech Lobby Project)
[LOBBYING] Poilievre denounces lobbyists, but still has meetings with them; Had 26 chats in past 12 months; Singh had 29 (National Post)
[LOBBYING] If Pierre Poilievre really hates lobbyists now, maybe he should talk to Justin Trudeau (The Toronto Star)
[LOBBYING] ‘Useless and overpaid’ lobbyists sure are keeping Pierre Poilievre’s calendar busy (The Globe and Mail)
[LOBBYING] Why aren’t pension funds investing more in Canada? Maybe Canada isn’t investible enough; In its 2024 budget, the federal government said it would look at ways of incentivizing pension funds to invest more domestically, after lobbying by business leaders (The Globe and Mail)
Received in February 2024
Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada ATI Request
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The document includes a memo for Paul Thompson’s meeting with Google, Npower and Summa Strategies. The objective of the meeting is to learn about Google’s forthcoming, multi-years skills investments in Canada. In addition, to better understand Google and NPower’s engagement in Canada’s talent development ecosystem and the potential for partnership. There are additional emails including more information regarding their offerings. | Government of Canada, Access to Information Request A-2022-00991 Submitted to Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) for Records Related to a “All Records Relating to Registered Lobbying Communication #507585 Involving Paul Thompson, Associate Deputy Minister, Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) and Google Canada Corporation on May 18, 2021.” (Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED), 2021), http://open.canada.ca/en/access-to-information. |
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission ATI Re-Requests
Document Link | Reference |
The document includes a calendar note for a meeting with incoming CEO of Bell on December 19, 2019. | Government of Canada, Access to Information Request A-2021-00056 I Would like Metadata Information for CRTC Chair Ian Scott’s Calendar Entry for His Dec. 19, 2019 Meeting with Bell, Supplied by the CRTC in a Previous ATIP A-2021-00018, Showing When the Calendar Entry Was Created. I’m Looking for the Information Underlying the Calendar Entry in Question, Specifically the Date and Time That the Entry Was Created Re-Requested under Access to Information Request (Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, 2021), http://open.canada.ca/en/access-to-information. |
The document includes several emails between CRTC staff regarding an issue item however, the details of these meetings and emails have been redacted. | Government of Canada, Access to Information Request A-2020-00096 Copy of A-2020-00096: Records Related to Correspondance between Representatives from the CRTC and Representatives from Verizon, T-Mobile and AT&T between January 1, 2021 and March 25, 2021 Re-Requested under Access to Information Request (Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, 2021), http://open.canada.ca/en/access-to-information. |
The document includes an email exchange between CRTC staff and a SpaceX representative regarding a recent presentation on the Starlink project in Canada. | Government of Canada, Access to Information Request A-2021-00008 A-2021-00008: All Records Related to Communications with Representatives from Any of Telesat, SES, and SpaceX in March 2021 and April 2021. Federal Lobby Records Show Ian Scott Communicated with Telesat on March 29, 2021. Re-Requested under Access to Information Request (Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, 2021), http://open.canada.ca/en/access-to-information. |
The document includes numerous calendar events regarding phone calls and meetings between Peter Johnson (Shaw Communications) and Ian Scott (CRTC) from 2017-2020. The events include the following: a meeting with Jim Patrick, Peter Johnson with Ian Scott and the meeting is categorized as stakeholders ext on October 05, 2017. A scheduled call with Peter Johnson and Ian Scott on January 29, 2018. An addition meeting with Peter Johnson and Ian Scott on May 09, 2018. An additional call between Peter Johnson (Shaw) and Ian Scott on July 03, 2018. Meet and greet with Shaw and the CRTC on January 31, 2019. Meeting with Peter Johnson (Shaw Communications), Paul McAleese (Freedom Mobile) and Marie-Soleil and Marie-Claude Morin (CRTC). A call with Brad Shaw and Ian Scott on August 05, 2019. The records include a call on September 01, 2020, between Peter Johnson and Ian Scott, another call on April 14, 2020, and July 29, 2020. | Government of Canada, Access to Information Request A-2021-00019 Copy of A-2021-00019: Information (Venue, Participants, Agendas, Minutes) on Shaw Meetings and Communications with CRTC Chair Ian Scott That Took Place on Eleven Specified Dates between October 5, 2017 and March 14, 2021. Re-Requested under Access to Information Request (Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, 2021), http://open.canada.ca/en/access-to-information. |
This document includes several scheduling details for the DM Cyber Committee on April 8, 2019. In addition, several calendar events of other meetings and appointments from 2019-2021. | Government of Canada, Access to Information Request A-2021-00019 Copy of A-2021-00079: Records of CRTC Chair Ian Scott’s Calendar/Agenda Showing All Meetings, Appointments, Etc., Which Were Disclosed in File A-2021-00055, from the Beginning of His Term in September 2017 to the Current Date June 3, 2022. Re-Requested under Access to Information Request (Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, 2021), http://open.canada.ca/en/access-to-information. |
The document includes the name of individuals who participated in the CRTC’s Interchange Canada Program for each fiscal year. | Government of Canada, Access to Information Request A-2021-00030 Copy of A-2021-00030: Names of Individuals Who Participated in the CRTC’s Interchange Canada Program for Each CRTC Fiscal Year Beginning in Fiscal Year 2006-2007 to Year 2020-2021 and the Positions(s) They Held at the CRTC, along with the Positions They Held Immediately before Holding Those Position(s) and the Name of Their Employer. Re-Requested under Access to Information Request (Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, 2021), http://open.canada.ca/en/access-to-information. |
The document includes a memorandum to the Chairperson and CEO regarding the CRTC Anti-Racism and Antidiscrimination Report and Implementation. The document is seeking approval for the proposed ARAD Action Plan Implementation Strategy. | Government of Canada, Access to Information Request A-2022-00008 Copy of A-2022-00008: Document #859595 Entitled CRTC Anti-Racism and Anti-Discrimination Report and Implementation. Re-Requested under Access to Information Request (Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, 2022), http://open.canada.ca/en/access-to-information. |
The document includes a calendar note for a meeting scheduled between Ian Scott (CRTC) and Eros Spadotto and Johanne Senecal from Telus. | Government of Canada, Access to Information Request A-2021-00020 Copy of A-2021-00020: Information (Venue, Participants, Agendas, Minutes) Regarding Telus Communications and Meetings with CRTC Chair Ian Scott Held on April 27, 2018. Re-Requested under Access to Information Request (Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, 2021), http://open.canada.ca/en/access-to-information. |
The document includes a calendar note for Ian Scott’s meeting with George Cope & Mirko Bibic from Bell Canada | Government of Canada, Access to Information Request A-2021-00022 Copy of A-2021-00022: Information (Venue, Participants, Agendas, Minutes) Regarding BCE/Bell Canada Communications and Meetings with CRTC Chair Ian Scott Held on Three Specified Dates between November 30, 2017 and December 19, 2019. Re-Requested under Access to Information Request (Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, 2021), http://open.canada.ca/en/access-to-information. |
The document includes a memo to CRTC staff regarding the proposed legislation Bill C-10 to modernize the Broadcasting Act. The email details a set of next steps for the department: creating nine working groups regarding data collection, ownership/registration/transactions, contribution framework, updated Cancon certification and regulatory support, regulatory obligations/regulatory obligations from old to new system, operational change management/business transformation, AMPs and compliance activities, inclusion and communicating changes. | Government of Canada, Access to Information Request A-2021-00073 Copy of A-2021-00073: On May 18, 2022 the CRTC Appeared before the House of Commons Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage, and the CRTC’s Chairperson Said, “I Have Had More than 100 Staff Working in a Series of Working Groups for Well over a Year to Prepare”, for the Implementation of Bill C-11. Please Provide a) the Precise Number of Working Groups; b) a List of the Working Groups Showing for Each Group, the Main Topic or Subject of Their Work; c) for Each Working Group, a List of the Studies That the CRTC’s Staff Has Itself Undertaken or Commissioned from Outside Parties with Respect to Its Work; d) the Date by Which Each Working Group Is Supposed to Complete Its Work; and e) the Name of the CRTC Commissioner, If Any, to Which Each Working Group Reports. Re-Requested under Access to Information Request (Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, 2021), http://open.canada.ca/en/access-to-information. |
The document includes a memo to CRTC staff regarding the proposed legislation Bill C-10 to modernize the Broadcasting Act. The email details a set of next steps for the department: creating nine working groups regarding data collection, ownership/registration/transactions, contribution framework, updated Cancon certification and regulatory support, regulatory obligations/regulatory obligations from old to new system, operational change management/business transformation, AMPs and compliance activities, inclusion and communicating changes. | Government of Canada, Access to Information Request A-2021-00074 Copy of A-2021-00074: On May 18, 2022 the CRTC’s Chairperson Stated to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage That More than One Hundred CRTC Staff Were Assigned to Working Groups to Prepare for the Enactment of Bill C-11 and Possibly Its Predecessor, Bill C-10. Please Provide a Copy of Any Documents That a) Assigned a Mandate or Mission to These Working Groups; and/or b) Provided Directions or Any Guidance to These Working Groups. Re-Requested under Access to Information Request (Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, 2020), http://open.canada.ca/en/access-to-information. |
The document includes internal communications regarding the CRTC’s new approach to ensure a greater recognition of Indigenous Peoples within the Broadcasting and Telecommunications Legislative Review. The final report includes 97 recommendations to modernize Canada’s communication and to ensure better representation for Indigenous Peoples and languages within this framework. The document also includes a set of tweets and Facebook posts referencing the BTLR and the CRTC totaling 130 comments and more. | Government of Canada, Access to Information Request A-2019-00048 Copy of A-2019-00048: Documents Regarding the Final Report by the Broadcasting and Telecommunications Legislative Review Panel Released on January 29, 2020. Re-Requested under Access to Information Request, 2019, http://open.canada.ca/en/access-to-information. |
The document includes an email exchange about digital wireless coverage in Canada and the report by the Boston Consulting Group. In addition, the BCG report is enclosed titled: International Comparisons of Broadband Competition, Pricing, Performance and Regulatory Models. | Government of Canada, Access to Information Request A-2019-00033 Copy of A-2019-00033: All Records Pertaining to the December 2019 Report Regarding How a Decrease in Wireless Revenues Would Hurt the Deployment of 5G in Canada Re-Requested under Access to Information Request (Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, 2019), http://open.canada.ca/en/access-to-information. |
The document includes several emails between Public Service and CRTC regarding the 9-1-1 Manager for Emergency Service Working Group. The CRTC held a meeting with Apple and deduced that a mobile provider is not needed but mobile signal is required to dial 9-1-1. Apple Canada Inc. senior representative has also emailed Étienne Robelin (CRTC) to request a meeting and in the subject, they’ve outlined their offerings: hybridized emergency location estimation technology, and the location transport technologies that can be used to transmit information to Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) in Canada and also to Text-to-9-1-1 and Wireless Alerting. | Government of Canada, Access to Information Request A-2019-00036 Copy of A-2019-00036: Any and All Communications, Including Emails, Letters, Briefing Notes, Meeting Minutes, Regarding and Including a Meeting(s) with Apple Inc. and the CRTC in September 2019. Re-Requested under Access to Information Request (Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, 2019), http://open.canada.ca/en/access-to-information. |
The document includes an attachment from Rogers detailing how to keep Canadians connected during the pandemic. | Government of Canada, Access to Information Request A-2019-00051 Copy of A-2019-00051: All Records between CRTC and Bell Canada, Rogers Communications, Telus, Shaw Communications, and TekSavvyand Related to COVID-19 Virus from March 1, 2020 to Present. Re-Requested under Access to Information Request, 2019, http://open.canada.ca/en/access-to-information. |
The document includes a report for the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission regarding an application under the Telecommunication Act by the Public Interest Advocacy Centre. The application is regarding the pandemic contact tracing at the application and network level. | Government of Canada, Access to Information Request A-2020-00008 From March 1, 2020 to Present (May 26, 2020), All Documentation Regarding the Development and Implementation of Smart Phone Contact Tracing as Location Data for Public Health Tracing during the COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis Including Options for Consumer Consent. Re-Requested under Access to Information Request (Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, 2020), http://open.canada.ca/en/access-to-information. |
The document includes several emails, memos, and meeting notes from different telecom companies such as Bell Canada and Teksavvy on their procedures during the COVID-19 pandemic. | Government of Canada, Access to Information Request A-2020-00001 Copy of A-2020-00001: All Communications Including but Not Limited to Emails and Meeting Agendas and Meeting Notes, with Canadian Telecom Companies or Their Representatives Regarding COVID-19 or the Effects of COVID-19, from Jan. 1, 2020 to April 15, 2020 Re-Requested under Access to Information Request (Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, 2020), http://open.canada.ca/en/access-to-information. |
The document includes emails that discuss the overall impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Shaw, Rogers, and Bell’s business. The CRTC was interested in understanding how the pandemic has impacted the broadcasting industry. | Government of Canada, Access to Information Request A-2020-00006 Copy of A-2020-00006: All Documents between CRTC and Bell Canada, Rogers Communications, Telus, Shaw Communications, and TekSavvy Regarding the COVID-19 Virus between March 16 2020 and May 6, 2020. Re-Requested under Access to Information Request (Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, 2020), http://open.canada.ca/en/access-to-information. |
The document outlines that there is a meeting between Mr. Ian Scott with a member from Netflix. The details of the meeting have been redacted. | Government of Canada, Access to Information Request A-2020-00014 Copy of A-2020-00014: All Documents for Meetings Involving Netflix Lobbyists and Various CRTC Chairpersons and Commissioners: Date+D12 Range from 2011 to 2020 Re-Requested under Access to Information Request (Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, 2020), http://open.canada.ca/en/access-to-information. |